Clive West
Clive West, a Fermanagh man, spent his life teaching others either in a classroom or from the pulpit. Ordained in 1964, he served both God’s people and those who serve God’s people. He, like many before him, saw that the primary task of the pastor is to be a teacher, not of the whims of that teacher, nor of the values of the world around, but of the Scriptures, “God’s Word written” (Article 20 of the 39 Articles). Throughout his ministry he was deeply aware of the necessity to invest in the word of God and, with that word, in the lives of others. He modelled 2 Tim 2 verse 2 in both his interest in and support of others who are called to be pastor-teachers.
A number of those influenced by Clive and associated with him, and with the approval and support of his widow, Margaret, have decided to establish an annual lecture and a trust fund. Clive wanted no earthly accolade, nor to be in the limelight, however, it is considered that this is an appropriate way to express his legacy, in gratitude to God. The lecture and trust will have both Clive’s evangelical theological convictions and ministry priorities at their heart. Each year, the lecture will explore an issue of relevance to classical Anglican theology.
The trust fund will enable the annual lectureship and award bursaries towards the theological education of those who seek to minister in Ireland, and who do not receive financial assistance elsewhere.
The founding trustees are drawn from Clive’s various ministry contexts including Mullabrack Parish Church in Co Armagh, All Saints’ Church, Belfast and, when in retirement, St Elizabeth’s Church, Dundonald. They are; Rev Timothy Anderson; Rev Edmond Coulter; His Honour Judge Alistair Devlin; Rev Trevor Johnston (Chair); Rev William Press (Secretary); Mr David Scholes OBE (Treasurer); Mr Lewis Singleton; Mrs Margaret West.